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October 2024

Part 1: Consumer Electronics Global Hub & Hongkong Electronics Fair (Autumn)

Jakarta, ABDI – The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) hosted this autumn The Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) and Electronic Asia on 13-16 October 2024 at the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC).

Autumn Electronics Fair spotlights three key areas

The Autumn Electronics Fair and electronicAsia featured 3,200 exhibitors from 19 countries and regions. There are so many products, features and solutions we will highlight some below.

The 44th edition of the Electronics Fair, themed the World’s Leading Electronics Marketplace, covered consumer electronics, including smart products and appliances for home and commercial use, audiovisual equipment and the latest tech solutions across more than 20 zones. 

 There are also many Taiwanese and Korean companies that join the show. Oasistek is among Taiwanese company  that participated in the Taiwan Pavilion. One particular company In the Korean Pavilion that we visited, Himpel design smart ventilation for bathroom, kitchen/pantry and bedroom.

Also interesting is the Metaverse Pavilion with many AI Metaverse related solutions in medical, AI glass, a collaboration between Korean and Hongkong Startup. Chief Editor, Rudi Rusdiah with Deputy Executive Director, Ms Sophia Chong and Ass Executive Director Ms Jenny Koo after the the networking receptions toast.

ABDI (Association Big Data & AI) will have one of the biggest Big Data & AI Summit in Indonesia, DataGovAI 2024 on 26 November 2024 at JCC, Jakarta & 28 November 2024 on Zoom.

TAIWAN INNOTECH 2024 EXPO : Connecting Taiwan and the World in Innovation & Technology Collaboration

Taiwan InnoTech 2024 Expo, jointly organized by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) as host along with many Government Department and both domestics & global innovators will take place on October 17-19, 2024 at Taiwan World Trade Center Hall 1 (TWTC Hall1) . Attended by Inventors and organizations from 23 countries, both domestic and international, showcasing over a thousand innovative technologies, spanning from information and communication technology (ICT) and AI technology to food and daily necessities.

Exhibitions will be held:

Date & Time: October 17-18 at 09:30-17:30 and October 19 at 09:30-16:30

Attended by 500 exhibitors, 1000 booths and 1100+ inventors from 20 countries

ICT Magazine & News Portal in the September-October 2024 edition will review the Two Prominent Summits & Expos in detail, namely DataSecurAI,GovTechAI Summit & SmartCity Expo which will be held at JIExpo, Jakarta, Indonesia on 18-20 September 2024 a nd Taiwan InnoTech 2024 which will be held at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, Taiwan on 17-19 October 2024.

Two of the reason why Taiwan is holding the InnoTech Expo 2024 is:

  • To encourage innovators and industry to be more enthusiastic by Demonstrating Taiwan Innovation Strength according to IMD Digital Competitiveness Overall Ranking 2023 as ninth out of 64 innovative countries in the world, where in more detail: (1) the Knowledge Ranking that is related to the number of R&D / number one capital of 64 countries; (2) The ranking for Digital Technology Development is number three out of 64 countries; (3) Taiwan’s future readiness ranking or level of readiness for exploiting digital transformation is number 7 out of 64 innovative countries in the world.
  • Export momentum resulting from Taiwan’s ICT manufacturing industry which ranks first in the world, which must be maintained through investment in innovation, R&D & number of patents, especially in the End Point Devices sector such as computer manufacturing, GPU, memory and other ICT accessories

The Taiwan InnoTech Expo 2024 will show case the following Area :

  • Invention Area :

Domestic Inventions / Domestic Educational Institution / Overseas Inventions / Taiwan Patent GP

  • Theme Pavillion:  

Innovation Pilot/ Future Tech/ Sustainability

  • Public Service:

Patent Merchandise/ Peripheral Services

Bridging among Industries and Bridging between Taiwanese Manufacturing and Global Technology leader such as Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang will be very important strategy to ride the AI Revolution with AI Accelerating ComputingINVENTION AREA:  Discover the Next Big StartIn this Area is Expected to have more than 500 inventions, you can discover the groundbreaking innovations from the most brilliant minds in Taiwan and worldwide to compete for the platinum award in the invention competition.Features Exhibit:

  • Future TechnologyGreen or Renewable EnergyPower and OpticalBiotechnology and PharmaceuticalsSemiconductorsFood and BeveragesICTDaily Necessities
  • TAIWAN PATENT GO : Promoting INVENT IN TAIWAN, CREATE FOR BUSINESSIPO (Intellectual Property Office) of Taiwan as host of this Pavillion is promoting Award-winning patented products, following the flow: Patent → Invention Award → Selected by Taiwan Patent Go → Overseas Markets → More PatentFeatures Exhibit:
  • Net Zero TechnologySmart HealthSmart LifeGenerative AI
  • Feature exhibit on Gen AI will be interesting as There are many development on Generative AI, LLM (Large Language Model) in many sectors and the application of Gen GPUINNOVATION PILOT PAVILION: Driving Innovation ForwardIt unites representatives from diverse enterprises and research institutions to collectively showcase the latest advancements in technological innovation and industrial development. Aiming to foster close collaborations between industries and cutting edge technologies and positioning itself as a leading technological flagship for driving industrial innovation and upgrading.Features Exhibit:
  • Net ZeroDigital ResillienceB5G / 6GSmart CitySmart HealthcareDefense Technology
  • Smart City toward Smart and Safe Nation will be interesting together with SmartHealthcare, Smart Life & health.

    Digital Resilience is a very interesting topic seeing the many cases of Data Breach, Cyber ​​Attacks by Adversaries, Ransomware, Social Engineering, Advanced Persistence Threat (APT) by State Actors toward Cyber ​​Warfare.  Deep-Fakes, Disinformation in Politics & Elections is also a big concern for developing AI Governance.

    FUTURE TECH FUTEX PAVILION: Global Tech Collaboration & ties with Taiwan Industry

    FUTEX focuses on forward-looking technologies for the next three to ten years. Winners of the “IC Taiwan Grand Challenge” will come to Taiwan to participate.

    Additionally, international accelerators, overseas institutions, and academic research units will showcase their technological capabilities and share insights on global scientific research topics.

    Feature Exhibit:

    • Artificial Intelligent Island
    • Healthy Taiwan
    • Semiconductor Application

    The AI Island will be very interesting, Following Jensen Huang Keynote at Computex 2024 in June 2024, that the world is entering AI Revolution encouraging many Taiwanese Manufacturing to collaborate in producing platform for Accelerating Computing to support AI Data Center, Data Center is the Computer and AI PC.

    SUSTAINABILITY PAVILLION: Smart – Resilient – Sustainable – Health

    The Sustainability Pavilion showcases Taiwan R&D achievements. Through the dedicated efforts and significant results of Taiwan research institutions, Taiwan Industry is striving to achieve a future that is “SMART • RESILIENT • SUSTAINABLE • HEALTHY “.

    Feature Exhibit

    • Digital Transformation
    • Clean & Green Energy
    • Circular Sustainability

    This year Taiwan InnoTech 2024 Expo will hight light several Events :

    • Global tech network Panel : Quantum Technology – Sport Technology- Securing Taiwan 5G
    • Invention Competition Ceremony
    • Procurement Matchmaker
    • Boardroom Pitch
    • Networkong

    Many countries such as Singapore, EU and US have put many effort in Quantum Technology Research and Development to someday harness the power of Quantum Computing as future Super Computing Technology, although there is still a lot of challenge to get reliable result for Deployment & Manufacturing Quantum Computer. Panel Discussion can enhance collaboration with the above countries that have already done some research in the Quantum Computing spheres.

    Expo Elektronik Terbesar Asia: Hong Kong Electronics Fair, Autumn 2024, 13-16 October

    Salah satu Pameran Elektronik Regional Asia terbesar pada Musim Gugur 2024, HK Electronic Show (Edisi Autumn) (EFAE) dan electronicAsia (eAsia) diselenggarakan oleh Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

    Acara ini akan berlangsung dari 13 hingga 16 Oktober 2024, di Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, menampilkan produk pintar terbaru, komponen elektronik, dan solusi inovatif dari sekitar 3,200 peserta pameran internasional.

    The exhibition will cover household electronic appliances, audio visual equipment, consumer electronics for personal & office application, and technological solutions.

    Expo ini juga akan highlighted beberapa pavilion antara lain:

    • Hall of Fame : Koleksi produk elektronik dari merek terkenal dunia.
    • Tech Hall : Menampilkan teknologi terkini, antara lain 3D printing, IoT, Robotics AI, Augmented Reality, & smart mobility.
    • Startup Zone : Menampilkan Startup Top dari berbagai Negara.

    Laporan dari HK Elektronik Fair 2024 tanggal 13-16 October 2024 juga akan di ulas pada acara DataGovAI 2024 yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26 & 28 November 2024 di JCC Senayan.

    Mengikuti perkembangan emerging technological tren, Expo ini akan menampilkan sebagai berikut :

  • Smart Mobility : Memperkenalkan teknologi converting mobil bensin menjadi mobil listrik, advanced driver-assistance systems, dan fast chargers untuk mobil listrik, dll.
  • Digital Entertainment : Menampilkan produk computer & gadget untuk pecinta Gamer, termasuk “Digital Entertainment Experience Zone”; digital entertainment products menggunakan Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies. Kita mengharapkan dapat melihat produk seperti CoPilot PC / Notebook oleh Qualcomm dan  NVIDIA GPU platform.
  • Silver Economy: Menghadirkan berbagai produk teknologi kebugaran dan kesehatan yang banyak di antaranya dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para lansia.
  • Selama dua pameran tersebut, forum, presentasi dan acara lainnya akan diadakan, mengundang para ahli dari Hong Kong dan luar negeri untuk berbagi wawasan dan memberikan peluang jaringan yang berharga bagi para profesional industri. Hal ini mencakup “Innovation & Technology Symposium”, yang akan mengeksplorasi penerapan kembaran digital, dan “Hong Kong Electronics Forum”, yang akan membahas mikroelektronika, kecerdasan buatan dan ekosistem sumber terbuka.
  • Juga hadir Investment Matchmaking, Hong Kong Value Creation for Technology: Pitching Competition, Bertemu Mentors & Startup Smart Launch, start-ups  akan mempromosikan idea inovasi, mengundang support dari investors & mencari advis dari pakar tentang business development.
  • Tahun 2023, EFAE & eAsia dikunjungi oleh lebih 60.000 industry buyers dari 146 negara & daerah, sumber produk dan solusi elektronik pintar terbaru.
  • Forum & presentasi, mengundang para ahli dari Hong Kong dan luar negeri untuk berbagi wawasan dan peluang jaringan bagi para profesional industri. Hal ini termasuk “Simposium Inovasi & Teknologi,” yang akan mengeksplorasi Digital Twin, & “Hong Kong Electronic Forum,” akan berdiskusi tentang microelectronics, artificial intelligence & open-source ecosystems.

    Investment Matchmaking; Hong Kong Value Creation for Technology: Pitching Competition; Meet the Mentors; & Startup Smart Launch akan tampil mempromosikan innovative ide, mengundang dukungan dari investors & mencari advis dari pakar tentang business development.

    Tahun 2023, Hongkong Electronics Show & eAsia menarik lebih dari 60,000 industry buyers dan pengunjung dari 146 negara & daerah, datang untuk mendapatkan produk dan solusi elektronik pintar terbaru.

    Fair Websites :

    HK Electronics Fair 2024 :

    Electronic Asia :